Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Celebrities and the Media

Taylor Swift

Taylor Lautner
Miley Cyrus-bong

One of the reasons why so many people especially teenagers follow the media is because it looks appealing to the eye. The media makes celebrities and models seem like a paragon and example for every teen to follow if they want to be the best looking and most successful in life. What people don’t realize is that celebrities and models aren’t like they appear to be. Not all of them live happy lives without problems. Yeah they have a lot of money and have everything they want, but fame changes them. The media often times makes them into egocentric and selfish people. Soon these traits make them feel isolated and empty from the real world and often end up doing drugs. What kind of parent or person would want their kid or relative following this type of lifestyle? I’m pretty sure no one would. While appearing to live a fairytale deep inside famous people feel empty and discontent with themselves. Teens fall for these “happy” images of celebrities and become devoted fans. They feel like that’s the perfect image to follow, they become so obsessed that they want to look and act exactly like they do. Yeah we all make mistakes but they can be avoided, however, the media is doing the opposite by making teens fall for the same mistakes celebrities are. The media needs to show famous people for who they are, they shouldn’t make them look like something they’re not.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgUE4BeWM-g&feature=related

Abercrombie & Fitch Model

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. I think the media drives teens into drugs, sex, and other things that they glamorize.
    Good writing btw, i love how you use really good vocabulary (:
